About how we learn

Today (in shower of course) I had a revelation about the way we learn.

I was repeatedly amazed by how my daughter learned to do some things, when she was very little. It was like suddenly starting to do something (a gesture, face expression or word) that she didn’t know how a moment before. It wasn’t a gradually improving process - just instant feature activation.

And (even if we don’t realize), it’s the same way we adults usually learn, too. There are things around us that we don’t see or understand. Then some day, someone show us the blueprint, the schematics of that thing and suddenly it’s there! We understand it and it’s like we always knew it.

Remember feeling stupid and wondering how you didn’t thought of that thing before? :)

Of course, this is not the only way we learn, but I think it’s the most important one. Because this is the way we become wiser.


Now read this


We all read a lot of articles about starting habits. Good habits I mean. Everybody agrees that habits can lead to a healthier life, better productivity, happiness and other good stuff for you. The problem is, that when you start to form... Continue →