The difference between perseverance and stubbornness

I just stumbled on this article by Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten that got me thinking:

Indeed, that’s a very important matter to decide when you’re building a startup. It’s the difference between loosing a lot of time and money and become irrelevant, instead of starting again with something new with greater chances of success.

So how do you know when you’re persevering or just being stubborn?
I guess going on with the “when everybody tells you’re crazy, you should go to a doctor" test is good enough. But then again, there were some examples of stubborn people succeeding long after everybody gave up on them.

So all things considered - is all about numbers and statistics: is more probable that you’re on a wrong track if most of the people are telling you so, although it doesn’t have to be always true. It’s your decision after all, if you want to continue or not, but at least in this case, you should have at least some alarm flags raised and double check your rationals.


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Circles of trust

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